Interlock Sealing
Meever Expanding Seal
Meever Expanding Seal
The Meever Expanding Seal stands out as a solution delivering watertight Sheet Pile Joints. This innovative product uses a hydrophilic swelling sealant based on polyurethane (PU) and expands up to 350% of its original volume when it comes into contact with moisture. It can be easily applied on-site directly to the Sheet Piling structure.
Application Areas:
- Sealing Sheet Pile Locks;
- Sealing Joints in on-site cast concrete under moist conditions;
- Sealing Joints between precast segments in wet or underwater applications (e.g., manholes, box culverts, cable ducts, and pipes).
Benefits of the Meever Expanding Seal:
- Its unique formulation allows application in moist environments;
- The Meever Expanding Seal boasts exceptional sustainability and lasts longer than the life of the structure;
- Free from solvents;
- Adheres to various materials: Steel, Concrete, PVC, HDPE, Fiberglass, and more;
- In contact with moisture, Meever Expanding Seal expands by approximately 350% of its original volume;
- Adaptive system that conforms to irregular substrate surfaces;
- Easy application with a standard caulking gun;
- Exhibits robust chemical resistance, making it ideal in use with contaminated soil;
- Environmentally friendly (further explanation provided below).
Environmental friendliness:
The Meever Expanding Seal is a polyurethane sealant that cures via moist. Its composition excludes any environmentally harmful raw materials.
After curing, it has an expected life of 100 years, during which it won’t release any substances harmful to the environment, groundwater, or soil.

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