Advice & Service
The information on this website and in the downloads is exclusively intended as general information. No rights may be derived from the information provided on this site and in the downloads.
Logistics & delivery times
Intra BV will arrange the transportation of the steel that you have bought to its final destination but you determine when the goods are to be delivered. For example, you may choose to have Intra BV temporarily store any lots that you have bought until you are fully ready to receive them.
Is something not OK? We’ll solve it together with you!
Intra BV sets great store by the quality of its service provision so we only work with professional people and organisations. But in the unlikely event that something should go wrong during transport or at the moment of delivery, we will do our utmost to fix the issue as soon as possible. After all, your business is also our business.
Keeping up to date
Would you like to be kept up to date about all our products and services? Then register for our email list and we will send you regular news on product updates, items in stock, and important market developments.